
Posted by S3VYN  - October 3, 2022 in World of WarshipsShips

Today we’re taking a quick look at the Tier 9 Premium USN Cruiser Vallejo. She will be available in game as of patch 0.11.9 for 22,000 Steel.

Quick Overview

The closest and most obvious comparison is to say that the Vallejo is a Tier 9 Worcester. The guns are the same (except Vallejo has less, but their shell arcs aren’t as floaty), as are almost other normally important features. As differences go, the Worcester gets radar while Vallejo gets a Quick Launch Spotter Plane. If you like the Worcester and wish you could have one at Tier 9, the Vallejo is for you.


Vallejo Upgrades

Captain Skills

Vallejo Captain Skills

Recommended Play Style

Because Vallejo is so similar to Worcester it should be comfortable to veterans of the USN light cruiser playstyle. Less floaty guns and excellent concealment encourage you to get near islands and lob shells at larger targets, or peek around the island and blast shells at smaller targets. However, without radar Vallejo is less tempted to force itself into bad situations by overcommitting early. Find a good firing position and use your guns as much as possible. Be careful about angle as a decently placed battleship or battlecruiser salvo can send you back to port quickly.

If you find yourself without cover stay near max spotter plane range and keep moving. Vallejo can be a decent kiting ship with her Spotter Plane and flat(ter) firing arcs, but she can’t take sustained fire. Take advantage of the fantastic AA suite by positioning in a central location and creating a no-fly zone, or by staying near allies and keeping planes off of them.